TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9


耶和華見證人的近代歷史已超過 140 多年,是一個國際性的組織。位於美國總部負責督導全世界耶和華見證人的傳道工作。目前已有超過850 萬的耶和華見證人在 239 個國家和地區教導人學習聖經。耶和華見證人聽從耶穌基督的吩咐向人宣揚「王國的好消息」(馬太福音 24:14)。聖經真理可以在許多方面對人有益,例如讓家庭過得更幸福快樂、應付經濟壓力、克服憂慮和改善人際關係等。耶和華見證人一直竭盡全力幫助人認識聖經,已經將聖經和聖經書刊翻譯成超過 1080 種語言,並從事各種形式的傳道方式,例如影片、電台、網際網路(jw.org)、免費聖經課程、公眾場所見證、國際書展等。在 2022 年,耶和華見證人總共用了大約 15 億個小時向人傳道,並建立了超過 560 萬個聖經課程,這實在令人鼓舞!希望藉由這次的國際書展讓更多人認識聖經真理,讓更多人從聖經裡所包含的使用建議得益。

Jehovah’s Witnesses are an international organization with a modern-day history going back more than 140 years. The world headquarters in the United States oversees the evangelizing work of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world. More than 8.5 million Jehovah’s Witnesses are helping people in 239 lands to learn Bible truth. Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the command of Jesus Christ to preach the “good news of the Kingdom” in all the inhabited earth. (Mt. 24:14) Bible truth is beneficial to people in many ways, such as helping them to have a happy family life, cope with financial stress, overcome anxieties, and improve human relationships.Jehovah’s Witnesses are diligent in helping people to learn the Bible, translating Bible literature into more than 1,080 languages, and working to reach people by different means such as video, radio, the internet (jw.org), free Bible studies, public witnessing and international book fairs. In 2022, Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over 1.5 billion hours in their preaching work, and conducted over 5.6 million Bible studies. We hope this international book fair will help more people learn about Bible truth and the practical help it contains for everyone.


