TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

文化內容策進院 TAICCA

台灣在 2019 年成立了行政法人文化內容策進院,希望透過文策院中介組織的努力,架構出跨部會、跨領域、跨平台的協力合作機制,整合文化、科技及經濟的能量,催生臺灣文化內容產業生態系,帶動產業投資與創新的動能,形塑臺灣的國家文化品牌。讓臺灣豐富的在地文化,以各種多元的形式向世界傳遞,讓國際的文化版圖,因為有了臺灣的加入而變得更加豐富精彩。 Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA), established in June 2019 and supervised by the Ministry of Culture, is a professional intermediary organization that promotes the development of Taiwan’s content industries. TAICCA supports various cultural content industries in Taiwan, including film and television, pop music, publishing, ACG, and fashion, artworks and cultural technologies. With advanced information and communication technology infrastructure and emerging technologies in Taiwan, TAICCA manages National Development Fund to develop intellectual property (IP), incubate culture technologies, and facilitate startups. Through international distribution channels, TAICCA strives to promote Taiwan’s cultural brand in the world. TAICCA enhances Taiwan’s cultural content industries and creates new value for Taiwan’s national brand. Profitable and eco-friendly, the creative industries are now valued as a key economic indicator worldwide.

Contact Number:886-2-27458186#318


Web Address:https://taicca.tw/