TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

"Portraits in White: Stories during Taiwan's White Terror Period" Unveiled at Frankfurt Book Fair

19 October 2023 /

Renowned Taiwanese author, Kaori Lai, shared insights into her award-winning work, Portraits in White, at the International Stage of the Frankfurt Book Fair on October 19, 2023, from 12:00 to 12:30 (Germany Time).

Portraits in White delves into Taiwan's historical White Terror period, exploring the reasons behind the use of the color white in the book's title. Kaori Lai engaged with the audience, responding to feedback and questions from moderator Edward Nawotka, the International Editor of Publishers Weekly.

During the discussion, Kaori Lai metaphorically described the relationship between an author and their work as akin to that of an architect and a completed building. She emphasized that just like a welcoming house invites readers in to explore, sit, and enjoy emotional exchanges, understanding is not a prerequisite for appreciation.

Among the audience was an elderly lady diligently taking notes, expressing a keen interest in understanding Taiwan's modern history of White Terror. She expressed joy at being able to participate in such a literary event in Germany.

Portraits in White stands as a poignant portrayal of a dark chapter in Taiwan's history, and Kaori Lai's presence at the Frankfurt Book Fair provided a unique opportunity for international readers to gain deeper insights into this compelling narrative.