TiBE 台北國際書展 2024.2.20-25

Israeli Author: Hanoch Piven

19 January 2018 /
The colorful and witty illustrations of Israeli illustrator Hanoch Piven have appeared throughout the last 20 years on both sides of the Atlantic: in most major American magazines and newspapers such as Time, Newsweek, Rolling Stone and in many European publications. Since 2003, Piven has been conducting creative workshops. These workshops apply the principles of Piven’s collage technique, prompting children and adults to experiment with common everyday objects and create their own works of art. In addition to his editorial work, Piven's artwork, which engages the viewer’s active participation, has expanded into diverse other areas, such as children's books, apps for the iPad, advertising campaigns and TV programs. Piven has received multiple professional awards, most notably a Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators of New York, a Parent’s Choice Award for his iPad App-“ Faces iMake”, Right Brain Creativity.