1946年9月,陳國政先生鑒於戰後台灣在各方面急需重建,為學習國外經驗與資訊,在拓展國人知識視野的理想下,首開風氣之先,以發行外文雜誌為事業起點,創立「台灣英文雜誌社」,引進Time、Newsweek、Reader's Digest等國際知名雜誌,介紹世界新知、洞悉全球趨勢,藉此帶領台灣與國際社會同步躍進!代理發行1000種以上的美、歐、日、韓等外文雜誌,每年發行量超過百萬冊,是台灣最大、最專業的外文雜誌發行訂閱服務公司。 台灣英文雜誌社除了持續深耕本業外,也不斷開拓與創新,擴大經營層面,提供多元化的整合性服務,自2012年起協助台灣微軟導入電子發票,自2017年起成為財政部核可的電子發票加值中心,並於2022年取得ISO27001專業認證!服務國內中小企業與境外電商,是引導企業開立電子發票的最佳夥伴。In September 1946, Mr. Chen Guo Zheng established the "Formosan Magazine Press" (herein referred to as FMP). Mr. Chen’s aim was to introduce well -known international magazines, such as Time, Newsweek, and Reader's Digest, to readers in Taiwan in an effort to bring it new knowledge and global trends, so as to synchronize Taiwan with the international community. With more than 1,000 magazines from such places as the United States, Europe, Japan, and South Korea, it is Taiwan's largest and most professional foreign language magazine agency. In addition to cultivating the English magazine industry in Taiwan, it also continuously develops, innovates, and expands, as well as providing diversified integrated services. Since 2012, it has assisted Microsoft in introducing electronic invoices. Since 2017, FMP has been an official Invoice value -added center, with the "FMP Electronic Invoice Value Center" serving domestic SMEs and overseas e -commerce. FMP obtains ISO27001 professional certification in 2022.FMP takes pride in being the best partner for enterprises seeking to issue electronic invoices.
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