TiBE 台北國際書展 2024.2.20-25


【關於樂天Kobo】 樂天Kobo電子書,全球前兩大電子書平台,提供超過700萬冊中、外文電子書及雜誌,其中擁有超過25萬本繁體中文書,並推出多代電子書閱讀器,為台灣市佔率第一的閱讀器品牌。 樂天Kobo迄今已服務全球上千萬讀者,讓愛看書的人可自由地在任何載具閱讀每一本書,只要開啟手機、平板、電子書閱讀器,隨時隨地都能享受閱讀的樂趣。樂天Kobo總部在加拿大多倫多,隸屬日本樂天集團旗下。更多資訊,請參考:https://www.kobo.com/tw/zhRakuten Kobo Inc. is the world’s digital bookseller created by and for book lovers. Owned by Tokyo-based Rakuten and headquartered in Toronto, Rakuten Kobo’s 38 million worldwide users can read anytime, anywhere, and on any device. With a mission to make reading lives better for all, Rakuten Kobo connects readers to stories using thoughtful and personalized curation of eBooks and audiobooks, and the best dedicated devices and apps for reading. With the singular focus of making reading lives the best they can be, Kobo’s open platform allows people to fit reading into more moments in their busy lives.

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